Mors Smitt - 1806st
1.1. The overcurrent relay will be suitable for use inside the locomotive.
1.2. The nominal voltage of the primary circuit will be 1500 VAC, 50 Hz (maximum 1800 VAC).
1.3. The nominal current value of the primary circuit will be 800 A, 50 Hz.
1.4. The maximum current value will be 4000 A (100 ms).
1.5. Message receiving time will be less than 300 ms at 1200 A.
1.6. Receiving messages 1000 A (± 10%)
1.7. The drop will be less than 700 A.
1.8. There will be 1 NC (normally closed) and 1 NO (normally open) contact.
1.9. The rated voltage of the contacts will be 110 VDC (77 VDC - 137.5 VDC).
1:10. Contact values will be 0.3 ADC, 90 VDC and L / R = 40 ms.