Chauvin Arnoux - CA 6161
CA 6161 machine tester
• Multifunctional test device for testing the electrical safety of machines,
Control cabinets and electrical devices with HV testing up to 3 kV
•Very user-friendly thanks to express command keys, color touch display, help screens with connection diagrams, large measured value memory, ...
•Most modern communication: USB interface or remote access via WLAN
Use of the included machine tester transfer software
•Automatic and user-defined test sequences, expandable through
Test instructions with text or images
•Configure custom visual inspections to address specifics of each
to be able to enter into the examination
•Large variety of additional functions for other applications (Zs, Zi, RIso, RCD,
W, current via clamp, direct and differential leakage current measurement, ...)
•Practical optional accessories for greater safety and efficiency
Measurements (foot switches, warning lamps, scanners, label printers, ...)