Our DESIGN BASIS for the following ZIMM screw jacks are yours
the following, known to us requirement parameters:
Max. Lifting load: no information provided by the customer
Max. Stroke: 846 mm (useful stroke)
Installation position: vertical, spindle upwards
Duty cycle: no information provided by the customer
Lifting speed: 1 mm per drive shaft revolution
Ambient temperature: 20 ° C
Environmental conditions: calm, dry,
Lifetime calculation: none
Project-related assumptions: guided lifting movement, no side forces
We ask you to check this data again and to inform us if there are any changes
required are.
ZIMM screw jacks for rotating spindles,
ZE-25-RN, max.25kN static, i = 6: 1
Housing: aluminum, anodized, black,
Seals: NBR
Lubrication: standard grease (also suitable for the food industry)
Optileb GR UF 00
Trapezoidal thread spindle for screw jacks with rotating spindle,
ZE-25-R-TR, TR 30x 6, made of steel,
Pitch accuracy 0.2 mm / 300 mm
Total spindle length Lb = 1080 mm, for stroke 846 mm
Installation dimension Y: 1090 mm (gear side F up to and including GLP)
End machining 1 (spindle side): Ø 20j6 / 25 mm
End machining 2 (gear side): Standard EB for R gear
Lubrication: without
Duplex nut,
ZE-25-DM, for TR 30x 6 RH
including SIFA
mounted: flange on the gearbox side, SIFA on the gearbox side
Counter bearing plate,
Customs tariff number: 84834029, country of origin: AUSTRIA
Net weight of the item in kg: 11.1 / piece => 22.2 kg