AM13 GFL 12A
Serck can now offer equivalent coolers to match a selection of the original
cooler ranges.
Unless otherwise stated these coolers are.
1. Thermally equal or slightly better than your current cooler; pressure
drops will be very close to that of your current cooler
2. The shell side inlet and outlet positions and connection sizes will be the
same. Due to minor changes in the shell diameter these may be up to 3mm
higher or lower.
3. The tube side inlet and outlet positions and connection sizes will be
the same. Due to minor construction changes, some of the range have
alternative port sizes.
4. The mounting positions are adjustable to be the same as your current
cooler with a mounting kit.
5. The construction standards and metals used will be as your current
cooler, shell body now not cast aluminum
Whilst the cooler may look a little different due to minor manufacturing
differences. The Serck equivalent cooler will fit, form and function (unless
otherwise advised) as your current cooler.