6RN160L06E14U46R R123
squirrel cage ind. motor 6RN160L06E14
● squirrel cage ind. motor 6RN160L06E143041
● Mounting of AntiCondensation
Heaters 6RN160 230V
● spring operated brake 45818/
205V.DC 80Nm P85W
● Cert. of compliance A acc EN102042.2
sent with invoice
● Gland Brass M40 (1720,5)
● Intorq handrelease for brake 16
● rubber cover for brake
● Marine execution IEC 92.301 50°C trop. 96% R.H.160
● Halve wave rectifier with 6 terminals
● Intorq stainless steel armature plate 16
Output 13,00 kW Mounting IM3041 FF300
Duty S1 Mass 151,39 kg
Speed 1157 rpm Method of cooling IC411
Voltage D 440V Degree of protection IP55
Frequency 60 Hz Nom. torque 107,30 Nm
Cos. phi 0,81 Efficiency IEC IE1
Nom.current 23,61 A