Iguschainflex® TPE Motor-Ltg. 1G25,0
Iguschainflex® TPE Motor-Ltg. (4G6,0)C
Iguschainflex® TPE Motor-Ltg. (4G2,5)C
Iguschainflex® TPE Motor-Ltg. (4G10,0)C
Iguschainflex® TPE Motor-Ltg. (1x25,0)C
Iguschainflex® TPE control cable (4G1,0) C COPPER SURCHARGE (06/28/2021) (according to DEL note) 74
IgusChain Length: 91mm
IgusAll-plastic linear bearing, precisely made from iglidur® J, standard design, d1:30
IgusAll-plastic linear bearing, precisely made from iglidur® J, standard design, d1:25
IgusAll-plastic linear bearing, precisely made from iglidur® J, standard design, d1:20
IgusAll-plastic linear bearing, precisely made from iglidur® J, standard design, d1:16
IgusAll-plastic linear bearing, precisely made from iglidur® J, standard design, d1:12
Igus8*0.75 moving field cable(soft)
Igus3M200042_00_KK_EPMUTTER_M8_ANCHOR_745_000_80_539 M8
Igus2500mm 2,5Meter
Igus2500.05.100.0 Energy Duct (including Start and End Connection Equipment)
Igus12*0.75 moving field cable(soft)