PTF520-D-3-1-2-T-1-1-1 for DN25 ~ DN300 pipe
Mark: Comate
Insertion type pitot tube flow meter PTF520-D-3-1-2-T-1-1-1 for DN25 ~ DN300
Probe dia 11mm, 395mm probe capable of DN25 ~ DN300 pipe size | G 1/2'' ball
valve & socket connection
Integrall pressure and temperature measurement for mass flow and standard flow
Local display, 2 press-button operating, indicates temperature, pressure, flow rate
and standard flow
Pressure rating: 1.0Mpa
Fluid temperature: -40~150 dgrC
Output/communication: RS485@Modbus-RTU
Bluetooth function for user access the flow meter via Comate app
Power : 24VDC
Accuracy: 1.5%RD +0.3%FS
Production: IP52
Standard flow measuremen range: 2.1~ 85.9Nm3/min for 4'' pipe@6barG,